White Paper - OpenNebula’s Approach to Edge Computing

Last Version

2.2 (April 15, 2021)

Latency reduction and bandwidth improvement are becoming critical factors for forthcoming technologies. New applications and use cases such as vehicle control, augmented and virtual, IoT, online gaming and new services for the manufacturing, healthcare and energy sectors are emerging at a fast pace. They all have a common requirement: a high-performance real-time response. Edge computing helps companies and providers to transfer computational power and resources closer to their end users by increasing the number of endpoints and locating them near the consumers—be they users or devices.

In the context of its ONEedge project, OpenNebula is bringing new innovative edge features to enable companies to build their own private, lightweight and nimble edge computing environments based on highly-dispersed edge nodes in close proximity to users, machines, and sources of data. Not only are companies able to easily create their own edge deployments, and to manage them with utmost simplicity, but they are also able to create these environments on-demand to meet peaks of demand, implementing fault tolerant strategies or latency requirements without having to provide or own those underlying resources at all.

This white paper describes the principles that the ONEedge project is following and the main architectural elements of the solution that OpenNebula’s new edge computing platform provides. This document also includes a number of use cases and practical resources that demonstrate how edge computing applies to different industries and the benefits it delivers, and the solution OpenNebula offers to companies interested in increasing their competitiveness by implementing their own edge deployments.

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