Hyperconverged Cloud Architecture with OpenNebula and StorPool - White Paper

Last Version

3.0 (May, 2020)

The Hyperconverged Cloud Architecture with OpenNebula and StorPool is a blueprint to aid IT architects, consultants, administrators and field practitioners in the design and deployment of a hyperconverged cloud infrastructure. In this architecture, nodes combine computing, storage and virtual networking functions to achieve better efficiency and simplified management. The Hyperconverged Cloud Architecture is a useful guide for all companies willing to launch fast, easy to use and cost-effective clouds.

This document describes the architecture of a complete IT infrastructure including storage, computing, networking and cloud orchestration. There are other components in the open cloud ecosystem that are not part of the architecture, but are nonetheless important to consider at the time of designing a cloud, like for example Configuration Management and Automation Tools for configuring cloud infrastructure and manage large number of devices.

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